Disturbing (But Amazing) Pictures Expose The Absurdities Of Modern Culture *Warning: Graphic Images*

I like this pics.  Seems to be realistic what we saw and feel without being able to said anything.

These images are dark and powerful and really make you think.
The oppression women in religion.

Obesity in one direction, starvation in another.  When you are eating fast food, think about the people around the world who don't have enough food too.

We are afraid of what we don't understand - and it causes us to lash out and hurt rather than try to be tolerant.

Have we become so starved for attention via social media and the endless quest for more likes?
Obsession over social media attention.

When you play video games for too long, you might find yourself getting rooted to the spot and losing all of your forward momentum.

Taking a very different type of selfie and looking for love and admiration online.

The difference between the life of a child in a first world country and one in a third world country is striking.

These images just get darker and darker.

The certainly are a lot of advantages for those who grew up with money.  
Money as a means for opportunity.

Are we so attached to our phones that we can't put them down for long enough to enjoy a day at the beach?

The role of women in religion is always a very empowering or modern one.

female genital mutilation is a horrifying and brutal reality for many girls around the world.

When we are powered by greed, we usually leave our conscience behind.  
Anything for more moneys.

Submissive and closed mind society.

How female sexuality is used to divert the attention of a hormone-driven population of men.

Generation notification.  The social media "liked" crazed population.

The innocent casualties of unnecessary war.

The absolute power money holds over the peoples.

How professional athletes are used as products.

How pharmaceuticals are turning a population into zombies and killing us at a frightening pace.

The force - feeding of cheap food to the docile and lethargic public.

The censorship of free thought and the consequences of voicing our opinion.

this article taken from web below:


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